Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions About Rhinoplasty

  • Who Can Have Rhinoplasty Surgery?

    Aesthetic interventions are surgeries performed to make people "feel better". If you have a significant deformity in your nose and having it corrected will make you feel more comfortable, more harmonious and more confident, you may be a suitable candidate.

    If your nose is too big or small

    If your nose tip is low or drooping,

    If your nose is wide when viewed from the front

    If there is curvature outside or inside

    If there are asymmetries between the two sides of the nose

    If there is a problem with the nostrils

    If the tip of your nose is too mobile while talking or laughing

    If you have breathing problems, you are a candidate for surgery. In the next step, you need to go to your doctor and be examined and see what kind of nose can be made for you in line with your complaints in a simulation study to be made on a computer. Although simulation studies do not reflect the results of a one-to-one surgery, they will be useful for both you and your doctor as they constitute a concrete draft to be discussed. You may have functional problems along with aesthetic expectations. Problems such as curvature, asymmetry due to accidents, concha growth can be corrected during aesthetic nose surgery and it is already recommended to be made in this way. As the age of surgery, ages 16-17 for females and ages 17-18 for males can be considered as a limit. Since the result to be obtained will actually provide a psychological improvement, it is also important how you feel yourself before surgery. In this respect, you can fill out the test below and evaluate yourself. Factors affecting a good result are as follows:

    - Nose skin thickness

    - Curvature

    - Previously undergone an operation

  • Which Operations Can Be Performed Together With Rhinoplasty?

    Only 20 per cent of the patients who apply to us for rhinoplasty (rhinoplasty) apply only with the complaint of nasal deformity. The other 80 per cent of them are uncomfortable with the shape of their nose, but they apply with complaints of nasal congestion, difficulty in breathing, runny nose, nasal discharge, snoring, morning fatigue, allergic nasal complaints, nasal headache.

    Of course, one of our most important goals after rhinoplasty is to make the nose natural, face-compatible and beautiful. But at the same time, it is important to eliminate other complaints, especially nasal congestion.

    If there is nasal cartilage or bone curvature during the aesthetic operation, its removal will eliminate nasal congestion. Likewise, the reduction of enlarged nasal flesh will contribute to comfortable nasal breathing.

    The presence of adenoids, which we see mostly in children but also in adults to a considerable extent as a cause of nasal congestion, can be eliminated during aesthetic surgery and can make breathing very good.

    Rhinoplasty and sinusitis surgery can be performed at the same time in the presence of chronic sinusitis in people who complain of headache, runny nose or nasal discharge.

    One of the most important causes of snoring is nasal problems and this problem can be eliminated at the same time. It should not be forgotten that; rhinoplasty is an operation that does not only aim to beautify the shape of the nose, but also aims to correct the functions of the nose at the same time, and other problems detected with the nose are eliminated at the same time.

  • How to Recognise a Poorly Done Rhinoplasty?

    A poorly made nose has certain characteristics. The most common feature is that the roof of the nose is not completely closed and the tip of the nose and the root of the nose appear to be separate parts. The most common reason for this is that the bone on the back of the nose is removed too much.

    Another feature of bad rhinoplasty is that the tip of the nose is excessively thinned. This is also the result of removing too much cartilage from the tip of the nose in a bad way. However, cartilages, which have a very important role at the tip of the nose, should be left intact to a certain extent.

    Sometimes I see that all of these cartilages have been removed. Especially in this type of nose cases, the tip of the nose is as if it is squeezed with a clothespin (pinched nose).

    Again, the feature of a badly made nose is that the inside of the nose is visible when viewed from the front as a result of excessive lift of the tip of the nose. However, in women, the tip of the nose should make a maximum of 100 - 110 degrees with the lip. In men, this angle can be 90-100.

    In male patients, the back of the nose should appear straight from the profile. In a poorly made nose, the back of the nose may be curved or hollow.

    We call the surgeries performed to correct the poorly made nose secondary rhinoplasty or revision aesthetics. In this way, the biggest chance of patients is the first correction surgery. This surgery should be aimed directly at the problem. Some other corrections or trials other than the problem are risky and may cause subsequent additional surgeries. As the number of revision surgeries increases, the correction becomes technically difficult and the chance of success decreases.

  • Aesthetic Nose Surgery in Male Patient

    Male patients are also increasingly requesting aesthetic nose surgery. In Western countries, a quarter of the patients who have aesthetic nose surgery are men.
    There are some basic differences that distinguish rhinoplasty in men from women: 1. The most important thing to be prioritised in the aesthetic appearance of the male patient is to preserve the masculine appearance. How to do this may vary according to the facial type and harmony of each patient. As a general rule, the tip of the nose is not lifted too much, it is not thinned too much and an upturned nose is not made (it is rarely done now because it disrupts the naturalness even in female patients). The angle between the nose and lips is kept around 105 degrees in women and 90 degrees in men.
    If a straight and slightly upturned nose is aimed, the more prominent eye contour, cheekbones and jaw lines create a balance that prevents femininity. A faint chin structure and cheekbones can also make the nose look larger than it is. The patient may be offered interventions in these areas to achieve balance.
    In general, reducing the nose too small, keeping the height strong even if a flat nose is made, and having a good projection gives a more natural and positive result.
    2. The requests of male patients do not contain a homogeneous integrity as in female patients. In other words, male patients may sometimes only complain about the nasal arch, low nasal tip or wide nasal tip. It may be enough for them to have only this part done. Because there is no accepted standard aesthetic form in the male nose. In the female nose, on the other hand, there is an aesthetic shape that is generally desired and can be defined by golden ratios, and all necessary areas of the nose are intervened to achieve this.
    3. In some male patients, the main motivation for nasal surgery may be to breathe better, while image-related desires may result from secondary changes that occur during trauma leading to breathing problems.
    4. In middle-aged and older men, body image is usually well established and making very noticeable changes may make the patient unhappy. On the other hand, it may be a better option to make conservative but significant changes in a patient who is in adolescence and is not at peace with the shape of the nose that comes as a genetic inheritance.
    5. The postoperative appearance of male patients should be discussed on a draft with digital image techniques and it should be understood how much change the patient wants.
    6. Despite more cautious behaviour, revision rates in male patients are slightly higher than in female patients.
    7. In male patients, the skin is thicker and oily, which causes swelling to last longer after surgery. In order to improve this skin and tighten the pores, fractionated carbon dioxide laser application before or after aesthetic nose surgery improves the quality of the skin. Acne rosacea and its advanced version, rhinophyma, can also be encountered in middle-aged and older male patients. Since the structure that gives width to the tip of the nose in such patients is the excessive thickness of the skin rather than the nasal tip cartilages, aesthetic intervention should be planned accordingly.
    8. Thicker bone and cartilage structures in men may cause more bruising and swelling on the face, especially in bone fracture operations.
    9. Male patients have a history of nasal injuries due to sports and trauma more than female patients. Deviated septum is more common or more prominent in male patients. This must be corrected during aesthetic nose surgery.
    10. Ethnic characters are more prominent in male noses than in female noses. Ethnic nose types encountered in our country can be categorised as 'Black Sea Nose' and 'Arabian Nose'.
    a. Black Sea Nose: Noses with relatively thin skin, but with a very prominent arch, the tip of the nose protruding downwards, not very wide.
    b. Arabian Nose: Patients with a long, downward widening and thick skin at the tip of the nose. The tip of the nose is drooping because there is no support.
    How Do You Narrow a Very Wide Nose Base?
    From the opposite view, your nose may look very wide and large on your face. This width may be due to the bone part, the tip of the nose or the base of the nose. Especially the nasal base widths become more prominent with facial expressions. The widths in the upper bone part give the face an abnormal expression. The two eyes look as if they are too far from eachother.

  • How do you narrow the very wide nose base?

    Karşıdan bakışta burun yüzünüz de çok geniş ve büyük duruyor olabilir. Bu genişlik kemik kısımda, burun ucunda veya burun tabanından kaynaklanıyor olabilir. Özellikle burun tabanı genişlikleri mimiklerle daha da belirgin hale gelirler. Üst kemik kısımdaki genişlikler ise yüze ablak bir ifade verir. İki göz birbirinden çok uzakmış gibi durur. Çok geniş burun tabanını nasıl daraltıyorsunuz ? Burnun taban kısmından ve burun girişinden ihtiyaca göre 3-5 mm doku çıkararak yapıyoruz. Yaptığımız kesiyi dışarıdan görebilirsiniz. 7 ila 10 gün sonra aldığımız özel dikişlerle kesiyi kapatırız. Dikişleri aldıktan sonra kesi yerinde bir ay kadar kızarıklık olabiliyor. Genellikle dikiş yerlerinde iz kalmaz. Bazen belli belirsiz bir iz kalmakla beraber ihmal edilebilir bir izdir bu. Burnum karşıdan bakışta aşırı geniş değil. Ama biraz geniş gibi, yüzüme göre geniş olup olmadığını nasıl anlayabilirim ? Karşıdan bakışta her iki gözünüzün iç kısmından çene yönüne doğru iki adet hayali bir dikme inin.İdeal burunda burun bu dikey çizgileri yana doğru aşmaz. Eğer aşıyor ise burun yüzünüze göre geniş duruyor demektir.

  • Narrow Nose

    If the nose is too thin and narrow on the face, it not only gives an aesthetically unpleasant appearance but also causes severe shortness of breath.
    Nasal stenosis
    - At the tip of the nose
    - In the middle of the nose
    - At the top of the nose
    - or all three parts together.
    In nasal tip stenosis, it is as if the nose is tightened with a clothespin. This gives an angry expression to the face. In the middle and upper part of the nose, the nose looks vaguely like a thin line on the face.
    What is the cause of nasal tip stenosis? How should it be corrected with what technique?
    It is two cartilage tissues that give the shape of the tip of the nose. Weakness or less amount of this cartilage tissue than it should be is the cause of this problem. This problem in cartilage may be congenital or may be due to previous surgeries. Replacing the missing cartilages and strengthening the weak ones solves the problem.
    How do you solve nasal middle partial stenosis?
    For stenosis in the middle part of the nose, it is necessary to put opening cartilages between the narrowed cartilages. These cartilages are never visible from the outside and cannot be felt by hand.
    What do you do for the upper part of the nose?
    The reason for the stenosis of the upper part of the nose is that the bones are too close to each other. I make the bones mobile by cutting the bones. Then I bring these mobile bones to the place where they should be. Plaster is enough to prevent them from sliding back to their old place.
    Yes, I have a narrow nose, but will it suit my face when the narrowness is corrected?
    When removing the narrowness of your nose, our measure is your face. A correction compatible with other structures of your face will look quite nice.

  • Which Operations Can Be Performed Together With Rhinoplasty?

    Only 20 per cent of the patients who apply to us for rhinoplasty (rhinoplasty) apply only with the complaint of nasal deformity. The other 80 per cent of them are uncomfortable with the shape of their nose, but they apply with complaints of nasal congestion, difficulty in breathing, runny nose, nasal discharge, snoring, morning fatigue, allergic nasal complaints, nasal headache.

    Of course, one of our most important goals after rhinoplasty is to make the nose natural, face-compatible and beautiful. But at the same time, it is important to eliminate other complaints, especially nasal congestion.

    If there is nasal cartilage or bone curvature during the aesthetic operation, its removal will eliminate nasal congestion. Likewise, the reduction of enlarged nasal flesh will contribute to comfortable nasal breathing.

    The presence of adenoids, which we see mostly in children but also in adults to a considerable extent as a cause of nasal congestion, can be eliminated during aesthetic surgery and can make breathing very good.

    In people who complain of headache, runny nose or nasal discharge, rhinoplasty and sinusitis surgery can be performed at the same time in the presence of chronic sinusitis.

    One of the most important causes of snoring is nasal problems and this problem can also be eliminated at the same time.

    It should not be forgotten that; rhinoplasty is an operation that does not only aim to beautify the shape of the nose, but also aims to correct the functions of the nose at the same time, and other problems detected about the nose are eliminated at the same time.

  • Arched Nose

    Most of those who want to have rhinoplasty come with the desire to correct their arched noses. Arched nose is common in our country. When correcting the arched nose, it should be to obtain a straight nose back in men. In women, a straight nasal ridge is suitable, as well as a very slight curve can be made on request. What I mean by curve is a moderate curve, a curve beyond moderate does not give a pleasant appearance to the nose.

    Do you remove the belt with a file or by shaving?
    The belt consists of two parts, cartilage and bone. The excess in the cartilage parts is removed by shaving. The excess in the bone part can be removed by shaving as well as with rasps.
    I like both methods. If the arch is large, I shave it, and in small arches, I prefer rasp. Whichever method is used, the important thing is to perform this process very carefully and obtain a flat nasal ridge.

  • Do you remove the belt with a file or by shaving?

    The belt consists of two parts, cartilage and bone. The excess in the cartilage parts is removed by shaving. The excess in the bone part can be removed by shaving as well as with rasps.
    I like both methods. If the arch is large, I shave it, and in small arches, I prefer rasp. Whichever method is used, the important thing is to perform this process very carefully and obtain a flat nasal ridge.